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Genji circlePi's Management of Midland, Michigan came to us looking for a marketing firm that would handle all of their web site development business.

The key ideas they expressed a desire to see are:

  • the new websites must have a consistent look between them
  • sites must be easy to update
  • sites need to display the beauty of their food
  • sites must be interlinked together, so customers can navigate between all their restaurants sites
  • all sites and domain names and hosting must be in one location
We were able to provide website hosting and new sites for Pi's Management, all in one turn-key package. Making future management easy, everything is in one area instead of being spread out over multiple companies.

Realm30 completed the redesign their website, and added more value by being able to offer food photography services as well as shots of the exterior/interior of their buildings.

Genji Midland, Genji Novi and Pi's Management took advantage of Realm30 Media's one-stop-shop approach, saving them time and money in the end.

If you have a new project you would like an estimate for, or maybe you have questions about one of our many services, please feel free to contact us.

We'd love to hear from you.

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